Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh be careful little things!

I have been singing this song to Zeke for a month or so now. I remembered it the other day because my mom use to sing it to me. It has a great messege about being careful with our eyes, mouth, ears, hand, feet. One verse goes like this: "Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little eyes what you see, for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little eyes what you see." I sing this to him before he goes to bed and sometimes during the day Zeke will come up to me and say "Sing the little things"! I was telling him about what it really means and hopefully he was listening- I sure could not tell by his actions :)  Last night on the way home Zeke began to sing his version of teh song! When I sing it I say Be careful little mouth what you say and be careful little feet where you go. Zeke says be careful little mouth what you talk and be careful little toes where you go!  This is not big deal just his sweetness on the song. However, last night he added a new verse I would love to share. He sang, "Oh be careful little butt what you poop. Oh be careful little butt what you poop. For the Father up above is looking down in love. Oh be careful little butt what you poop!!!!"  What an imagination! So the next time you potty be careful because Jesus is watching!!!!!

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!!!

Welcome to the world Jada Marie Henderson!!! We were so excited to welcome this sweet little bundle of joy to our family on September 3. Although she is only my neice, she so has my heart. I was reminded the day she was born about the miracle of how God allows a child to be brought into this world. We were created in His image to worship Him. She was born on Friday afternoon aroun 3:07 weighing 7 ibs and 8oz. She was 19 inches long and was a perfect bundle of joy for my family to embrace and love. I am so excited to see her grow up! Zeke is thrilled to have a girl cousin! He has slept with her lamb she got from Mary Black since she was born. He feels the need to see her each day!

Dear Sweet Jada,
I am so proud to be your aunt! Words cannot describe how much I love you and how special you are to me. I have prayed for you many nights before you even came and I know God has his hand upon you. In Psalms 139:14 it says, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made!" God created you and placed every mark upon you. Doesn't that sound special! I pray that you will always see Jesus in every aspect of you life. You have a great family! The best mom, your dad is fabulous and your big brother makes my heart melt. I will always be there for you and love you no matter what!
You are my sunshine!!! Aunt Amy

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

"Life is not about how many breathes you take but the moments that take your breathe away!" I have heard this lyric sung in a song and the morning I walked Zeke down the hall to his class it was a moment that took my breathe away. Zeke started 4K today at Chesnee Elementary School. The morning was sweet and calmly stressful (if that is possible). We got dressed and Zeke rode to school with his daddy. First, we went into my classroom so I could put my things down and then it was time! Zeke put his bookbag on and like such a big boy walked down the hallway. As we were walking down the hallway I could not help but think of the moments I have had as his mother. When I first held him, when he said, "Mama", when he first told me he loved me, when we walked side by side holding hands, when we played hide and seek, and many more moments. Where had the time gone? I was so proud of him for being able to attend school and for the fact that the Lord allowed me to experience and share this moment with my child. This child, gift God gave me. I had to leave in a classroom where I could not longer control the events that took place. All I could do was let him walk in the room and allow God's hand to protect. Zeke LOVES school! He walked right into his classroom and said, "BYe Mama and Daddy!" and that was it! Heather picked him up his first day and he was all smiles! I am so glad he loves it and has such a special teacher who cares for him. I think he is the cutest in his class. I am proud of him for doing so well and being so brave. Zeke, Mama loves you!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Congrats Travis and Heather!

Today was a special day in our family! Aunt Heather got married! The wedding was very small and sweet! Zeke had a very important job! He walked his Heather down the aisle and "gave her away"! Hayes was not able to be there so he stepped in and did a fantastic job! The wedding was very sweet and followed by a great meal! We love you Aunt Heather and Uncle Travis! We are happy for you! We hope you will always have a happy every after!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is in his smile!

This exact look can make me laugh under any circumstances! Zeke is a little man full of huge personality and loves to turn everything into a funny joke. This is our last full week of summer and school begins for me next week. Although I am relieved by the fact that we will settle into a somewhat schedule I am also sadden by the times of summer being gone. I have been asked lately, "How was your summer?" I always say, "Fantastic!" because it was. We did a fun things throughout the summer but my favorites are the special moments where Zeke would say, "Mom you sit with me!" or "Mom want to play in my play room!" Even tonight we spent time walking around our neighborhood just chatting about many different things. Our days are filled with simple activities of coloring, playing school, play-doh, watching movies, and playing Thomas! It doesn't get any better! I have loved every moment of my summer and am so thankful God has given me a special little family to love on!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Kid Sense

Today me and Zeke had a date! Kegan was at football camp and so we decided to spend the day with one another on a fun adventure. We went to Strawberry Hill for lunch (Zeke's request) and then spent the rest of the afternoon at Kid Sense in Ruthertfordton, NC. He loves this place! We have been there 3 times this summer and I think he could spend everyday there! It is a fun place! He favorite is the fire truck and Family Dollar! My job is to chase him around, watch him smile, and play with him! Now that is one hard job!!! I loved watching him smile! This time we went we rode the virtual roller coaster! He loved it! I thought he would be nervous- oh no! All Smiles!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Test to see if I can mobile blog

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Midnight Conversation

Zeke was hit by a cold Saturday afternoon that has snot flying everywhere and caused his little nose to look like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. We went to sleep at midnight and Zeke woke up at 3:00 am in the morning. He was so congested! We took some medicine and blew his nose. It was dark in the room and he whisphered, 'Mama, are you asleep?" I said, "No!" He said, "Sorry you had to wake up, I love you." I got tears in my eyes and thought how precious it was that he was so considerate to say sorry for me helping him in the middle of the night. What he did not know was that is my job and although it is at 3 in the morning, I was glad he needed his mama! Feel better Zeke! I love you!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Daily Reminders that my little man is growing up!

It has been a while since I have blogged last. Not sure why I have not sat down and wrote my thoughts (probably because not many read them!!!!) The last time I blogged was on Zeke's fourth birthday! So needless to say I have been busy keeping up with my four year old! Zeke sure is a rounder and is constantly growing up and changing! He is now old enough to sit and play a complete game of Candyland or other board games! He is into watching Toy Story and yes we did go and see the TOy Story 3 movie! We have accomplished some big goals this summer! 1) Pooping in the potty! Yes, at 4 we are officially potty trained! He has pp in the potty for a while but pooping was a challenge but now we are a pro! 2) Zeke is sleeping in his own bed! He lays down each night and we read a story, do a devo, pray and he always watched Heros of the Bible- Veggie Tales! and off to sleep town he goes! So proud of him for that! That is a huge accomplishment! I love the little guy he is growing into! He has such a tender heart! He tells me EVERYDAY, "MAMA, i love my family!" He told me the other day," We should have Mother's Day again for you!" Man, how can that not warm your heart! One morning he was watching Veggie Tales and he came up to me in the study and said, "Mama, home is where your heart is" Oh I just smiled and got a tear in my eye and gave my little man a hug! I love the little things about him. Hearing him pretend he is woody with his hat on belt on and talking to Buzz lightyear! (he doesn't know I am listening) or when he get the microphone and sings! or when he sits and tells me the story of the Three Little Pigs! We are still experiencing first moments! One first: writing his full name from memory! He can write his name now and does such a great job. we are having so many big boy moments though! Another first: He has his first spend the night with a friend the other night! He spend the night with his friend Will (who lives only 3 houses up but when he was walking up the road for another first it seems like miles away) I can sit and bore you with the details of my son but truth be told every minute I want to hold on to because I know it will fade fast. I read a quote the other day that said, Mothers hold their childs hand for sometime, but their heart forever. He will one day grow out of the "wanting to kiss your mama" stage, Toy Story, Thomas, or even wanting to sit on the couch with his mama but oh I will hold his heart forever! When he was placed in my arms on March 16, 2006 he slipped into my heart! Now my heart walks outside my body in a tan brown headed brown eyed boy who hung the moon in my eyes! Yes, he has his moments but overall it is an absolute pleasure for my little man to call me his mom! If only I could freeze time and hold him longer! I love you Zeke!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Beach Bums!

We were very lucky to have the Flynns (Pam and John) get a beach house this year and allow us all to spend some time together at the beach. We had so much fun! Our days were very relaxed and we enjoyed spending time with one another and putting our toes in the sand. We smiled so much and loved on one another. It was truly a great time!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16!!!!!

Today the sun was shining and we enjoyed every moment of Zeke turning 4! It was simple but perfect! I loved the moments we had today with the things he loves: bubbles, trampoline, and Thomas!!! We enjoyed supper with Aunt Heather and Hayes and visits from Nana and Marmee!

The day began for Zeke with being loved on by Aunt Vicki and being sung to by our sweet 85 year old Papa! What a blessed day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Zeke!

It's hard to believe Zeke is turning four! As I think about this past year I realize how blessed I am to be the mom of the most amazing four year old. Zeke always has a smile and find a way to make you laugh! He has had many first this year and milestones beyond my belief: no more paci, BIG BOY UNDERWEAR, talking up a storm, first bowling trip, tonsil surgery (which was really scary for mama!!!)learning how to play games on the computer, playing board games, telling his mom he loves me, making Nana Papa Marmee and Papa laugh, loving on Aunt Vicki each day, loving moments on Friday with Mimi, really knowing what Santa was and the true meaning of Christmas, enjoying every moment he has! He is a sweet boy and I am thankful God allowed me to be his mom! One of our favorite stories to read this year was by Max Lucado Just in Case You Ever Wonder: to me it says it all.

Long, long ago GOd made a decision-
a very important decision...
one that I'm really glad He made.
He made the decision to make you

The same hand that made the stars made you
The same hands that made the canyons made you,
The same hands that made the trees and the moon and the sun made you,
He made you in a very special way.

He made your eyes so they would twinkle.
He made your mouth so you could smile.
He made your laugh so you could giggle.
God made you like no one else.

I'll never forget the first time I saw you..
your eyes closed, your fingers were curled in two little fists,
your cheeks were puffy and round.
I knew in my heart God had send someone very wonderful for me to take care of.

You're bigger now and do more things.
You can walk and run.
You can play and talk.
You can eat and sing and look at books.
You're not a little baby any more.

But as you grow and change, some things will stay the same.
I'll always love you.
I'll always hug you.
I'll always be on your side.
And I want you to know that...just in case you ever wonder.

Dear Zeke,
I remember four years ago I was so excited to meet you. I wanted to hold you so bad but also wanted to be the best mom for you. You are my sunshine in my world. I am so proud to be your mom and only want the best for you. I love taking care of you and playing trains with you and jumping on the trampoline with you. You make my heart smile when you tell me, "Mom, I missed you to." or when you say, "This is the best day ever." A perfect day for me is to be with you and play! I am so glad God gave me you! I will always love you and always be proud of you! You are my special little man and I cherish the moments I have with you to hold and love on! I still love our rocks at night and your sweet kisses you give me! Your smile is contagious to my heart! You make me laugh and smile when you are silly! I love your tender heart and how you care for others around you! So, just in case you ever wonder I am so proud to be your mom and I love you.
Happy 4th Birthday,

You Mom!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

As I look back over 2009 I am thankful most of all that God has supplied our needs and was our Savior each day. I am thankful for so many things and many memories run through my mind. I am just going to make a list!

1) Ezekiel is talking up a storm. Yes, he is 3 but I can remember at the beginning of this year begging God to allow him to talk or give me the wisdom I need to help know if something is wrong! I gained strength from friends who I would call and cry. I would hate to see him with other kids his age who could speak so well and he could not get his words out! And God answered my prayer! He is such a chatter box! On the days I think, could you be quiet, oh I am reminded about how his many Mom, Mom, Mom, is a answer to prayer.

2) Family- to some that word is special and to me it is more than special. My parents and Kegan's parents have loved us! They are so supportive to us as a mom and dad. We love them very much!

3) Vicki- who takes care of my child! I never have to worry about him. She loves Ezekiel with all of her heart and that does my heart good.

4) Friends- wow! Where would we be without them! Man, I know that I get on Trent's nerves calling Patti all the time but what great friends we have only 3 houses up! I love them and am thankful for their friendship this year!

5) Ezekiel had tonsil surgery on June 30! It was so hard to give the nurses my baby to take to surgery! God gave me strength and Zeke did great and had a great recovery! I am so thankful he watched over my baby.

6) One incident this year was when Zeke got out of Vicki's sight and she could not find him for 15 minutes and he came out of the woods. I will never forget that day and just PRAISE God that he was okay and not truly lost.

7) Kegan, what a great dad and husband! I could not ask for more ( well unless I am in a cleaning mood and he is playing his video games) He gives me security and love that I feel each day. I love him more than he knows! He loves Ezekiel and is such a great dad who takes time to teach him and play with him!

8) POTTY! Well we tried this summer and it did not work! So here we went again the last few days before 2010 and Zeke is doig grea

The best part of this year was being a mom to my 3 year old. I love the days filled with Thomas that Tank Engine, Playing Schhol, Swinging! I love that boy more than words can say! There is nothing better than being his mom!
I love it when he runs and shrills!
I am proud of him for getting rid of his passy!
I am proud of him for Pee Peeing in the Potty!
I love his sense of humor and how he makes me laugh!
I love his engineer brain!
I love the ways he says things! Chick a lay, I looked eddywhere!
I love Zeke!

What a great year God has blesses my family with!
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It's the Best Christmas Ever!

"It's the best Christmas Ever" were the words we heard everyday from Thanksgiving and even today! When we began putting up the Christmas tree and decorating Ezekiel was so thrilled. He would ring these 5 words over in our ears to help remind me that for this little guy it was a HUGE thing happening! I hope I never forget his reaction Christmas morning when he walked into the living room and said, "Wow, it's amazing! The toys are beautiful!" The twinkle was in his eye! We did make sure Zeke knew Christmas was about more than Santa and our little elf but about Jesus! I was thrilled and my heart smiled when we read the Christmas story and was playing with his manger scene and he went and added some other friends that you would not find in the book of LUKE (Thomas, Wubzy, etc..) and said, "They need to come and see Jesus to!" I thought to myself, "Wow all do need to come and see Jesus!" The most precious to me was when Zeke knew that Kegan's papa did not have a Christmas and although he is 85 Zeke knew he needed one. We went to Lowes on the 23rd and they had their small trees on sale for $5.00! Zeke said this would be PERFECT for PAPA's house! So, we took it by there and he decorated it for PAPA! OH the things we can learn from a small child. I love the look of Christmas through his eyes and if I may I am going to steal his words, "This is the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!"

How Cute!!!!

How Cute!!!!