Saturday, January 2, 2010

As I look back over 2009 I am thankful most of all that God has supplied our needs and was our Savior each day. I am thankful for so many things and many memories run through my mind. I am just going to make a list!

1) Ezekiel is talking up a storm. Yes, he is 3 but I can remember at the beginning of this year begging God to allow him to talk or give me the wisdom I need to help know if something is wrong! I gained strength from friends who I would call and cry. I would hate to see him with other kids his age who could speak so well and he could not get his words out! And God answered my prayer! He is such a chatter box! On the days I think, could you be quiet, oh I am reminded about how his many Mom, Mom, Mom, is a answer to prayer.

2) Family- to some that word is special and to me it is more than special. My parents and Kegan's parents have loved us! They are so supportive to us as a mom and dad. We love them very much!

3) Vicki- who takes care of my child! I never have to worry about him. She loves Ezekiel with all of her heart and that does my heart good.

4) Friends- wow! Where would we be without them! Man, I know that I get on Trent's nerves calling Patti all the time but what great friends we have only 3 houses up! I love them and am thankful for their friendship this year!

5) Ezekiel had tonsil surgery on June 30! It was so hard to give the nurses my baby to take to surgery! God gave me strength and Zeke did great and had a great recovery! I am so thankful he watched over my baby.

6) One incident this year was when Zeke got out of Vicki's sight and she could not find him for 15 minutes and he came out of the woods. I will never forget that day and just PRAISE God that he was okay and not truly lost.

7) Kegan, what a great dad and husband! I could not ask for more ( well unless I am in a cleaning mood and he is playing his video games) He gives me security and love that I feel each day. I love him more than he knows! He loves Ezekiel and is such a great dad who takes time to teach him and play with him!

8) POTTY! Well we tried this summer and it did not work! So here we went again the last few days before 2010 and Zeke is doig grea

The best part of this year was being a mom to my 3 year old. I love the days filled with Thomas that Tank Engine, Playing Schhol, Swinging! I love that boy more than words can say! There is nothing better than being his mom!
I love it when he runs and shrills!
I am proud of him for getting rid of his passy!
I am proud of him for Pee Peeing in the Potty!
I love his sense of humor and how he makes me laugh!
I love his engineer brain!
I love the ways he says things! Chick a lay, I looked eddywhere!
I love Zeke!

What a great year God has blesses my family with!
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It's the Best Christmas Ever!

"It's the best Christmas Ever" were the words we heard everyday from Thanksgiving and even today! When we began putting up the Christmas tree and decorating Ezekiel was so thrilled. He would ring these 5 words over in our ears to help remind me that for this little guy it was a HUGE thing happening! I hope I never forget his reaction Christmas morning when he walked into the living room and said, "Wow, it's amazing! The toys are beautiful!" The twinkle was in his eye! We did make sure Zeke knew Christmas was about more than Santa and our little elf but about Jesus! I was thrilled and my heart smiled when we read the Christmas story and was playing with his manger scene and he went and added some other friends that you would not find in the book of LUKE (Thomas, Wubzy, etc..) and said, "They need to come and see Jesus to!" I thought to myself, "Wow all do need to come and see Jesus!" The most precious to me was when Zeke knew that Kegan's papa did not have a Christmas and although he is 85 Zeke knew he needed one. We went to Lowes on the 23rd and they had their small trees on sale for $5.00! Zeke said this would be PERFECT for PAPA's house! So, we took it by there and he decorated it for PAPA! OH the things we can learn from a small child. I love the look of Christmas through his eyes and if I may I am going to steal his words, "This is the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!"

How Cute!!!!

How Cute!!!!