Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh be careful little things!

I have been singing this song to Zeke for a month or so now. I remembered it the other day because my mom use to sing it to me. It has a great messege about being careful with our eyes, mouth, ears, hand, feet. One verse goes like this: "Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little eyes what you see, for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little eyes what you see." I sing this to him before he goes to bed and sometimes during the day Zeke will come up to me and say "Sing the little things"! I was telling him about what it really means and hopefully he was listening- I sure could not tell by his actions :)  Last night on the way home Zeke began to sing his version of teh song! When I sing it I say Be careful little mouth what you say and be careful little feet where you go. Zeke says be careful little mouth what you talk and be careful little toes where you go!  This is not big deal just his sweetness on the song. However, last night he added a new verse I would love to share. He sang, "Oh be careful little butt what you poop. Oh be careful little butt what you poop. For the Father up above is looking down in love. Oh be careful little butt what you poop!!!!"  What an imagination! So the next time you potty be careful because Jesus is watching!!!!!

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!!!

Welcome to the world Jada Marie Henderson!!! We were so excited to welcome this sweet little bundle of joy to our family on September 3. Although she is only my neice, she so has my heart. I was reminded the day she was born about the miracle of how God allows a child to be brought into this world. We were created in His image to worship Him. She was born on Friday afternoon aroun 3:07 weighing 7 ibs and 8oz. She was 19 inches long and was a perfect bundle of joy for my family to embrace and love. I am so excited to see her grow up! Zeke is thrilled to have a girl cousin! He has slept with her lamb she got from Mary Black since she was born. He feels the need to see her each day!

Dear Sweet Jada,
I am so proud to be your aunt! Words cannot describe how much I love you and how special you are to me. I have prayed for you many nights before you even came and I know God has his hand upon you. In Psalms 139:14 it says, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made!" God created you and placed every mark upon you. Doesn't that sound special! I pray that you will always see Jesus in every aspect of you life. You have a great family! The best mom, your dad is fabulous and your big brother makes my heart melt. I will always be there for you and love you no matter what!
You are my sunshine!!! Aunt Amy

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

"Life is not about how many breathes you take but the moments that take your breathe away!" I have heard this lyric sung in a song and the morning I walked Zeke down the hall to his class it was a moment that took my breathe away. Zeke started 4K today at Chesnee Elementary School. The morning was sweet and calmly stressful (if that is possible). We got dressed and Zeke rode to school with his daddy. First, we went into my classroom so I could put my things down and then it was time! Zeke put his bookbag on and like such a big boy walked down the hallway. As we were walking down the hallway I could not help but think of the moments I have had as his mother. When I first held him, when he said, "Mama", when he first told me he loved me, when we walked side by side holding hands, when we played hide and seek, and many more moments. Where had the time gone? I was so proud of him for being able to attend school and for the fact that the Lord allowed me to experience and share this moment with my child. This child, gift God gave me. I had to leave in a classroom where I could not longer control the events that took place. All I could do was let him walk in the room and allow God's hand to protect. Zeke LOVES school! He walked right into his classroom and said, "BYe Mama and Daddy!" and that was it! Heather picked him up his first day and he was all smiles! I am so glad he loves it and has such a special teacher who cares for him. I think he is the cutest in his class. I am proud of him for doing so well and being so brave. Zeke, Mama loves you!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Congrats Travis and Heather!

Today was a special day in our family! Aunt Heather got married! The wedding was very small and sweet! Zeke had a very important job! He walked his Heather down the aisle and "gave her away"! Hayes was not able to be there so he stepped in and did a fantastic job! The wedding was very sweet and followed by a great meal! We love you Aunt Heather and Uncle Travis! We are happy for you! We hope you will always have a happy every after!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is in his smile!

This exact look can make me laugh under any circumstances! Zeke is a little man full of huge personality and loves to turn everything into a funny joke. This is our last full week of summer and school begins for me next week. Although I am relieved by the fact that we will settle into a somewhat schedule I am also sadden by the times of summer being gone. I have been asked lately, "How was your summer?" I always say, "Fantastic!" because it was. We did a fun things throughout the summer but my favorites are the special moments where Zeke would say, "Mom you sit with me!" or "Mom want to play in my play room!" Even tonight we spent time walking around our neighborhood just chatting about many different things. Our days are filled with simple activities of coloring, playing school, play-doh, watching movies, and playing Thomas! It doesn't get any better! I have loved every moment of my summer and am so thankful God has given me a special little family to love on!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Kid Sense

Today me and Zeke had a date! Kegan was at football camp and so we decided to spend the day with one another on a fun adventure. We went to Strawberry Hill for lunch (Zeke's request) and then spent the rest of the afternoon at Kid Sense in Ruthertfordton, NC. He loves this place! We have been there 3 times this summer and I think he could spend everyday there! It is a fun place! He favorite is the fire truck and Family Dollar! My job is to chase him around, watch him smile, and play with him! Now that is one hard job!!! I loved watching him smile! This time we went we rode the virtual roller coaster! He loved it! I thought he would be nervous- oh no! All Smiles!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Test to see if I can mobile blog

How Cute!!!!

How Cute!!!!