Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cupcakes for Surgery!

Today was the day before our surgery and we went to the store to buy the things we needed for post surgery. Some things on our list were: ice cream, toaster scramblers, juice, and cupcakes! Ezekiel really wanted to make cupcakes for the surgery! I do not think he completely understood what surgery meant because I told him we were buying all of this because he was having surgery and he said, "I love surgeries!!!!!!!!" It made us laugh! I was glad we were able to have fun making cupcakes the night before his surgery!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our Hero Thomas!

We went and saw Thomas the Tank Engine today! We had so much fun! When we walked up to Thomas Ezekiel was in awe and did not say anything! He just stood there and looked at his friend! We walked around under the tent playing with trains and looking at everything that was there for Thomas! We had a great time! We went into the store and there were so many things! We told Ezekiel he could pick out anything! He wanted a Thomas the train flashlight! We enjoyed a day with Thomas!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Our First Bowling Trip!

Tonight we went bowling with our neighbors! It was Ezekiel's first trip! He got the hang of it pretty quick and did a good job of waiting his turn to bowl! Although, I let him bowl my turn several times! He did use the bumpers but on his second game he bowled a spare and a STRIKE!!!!! You go Ezekiel!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Making Cupcakes!!!

We baked cupcakes tonight!! Ezekiel was such a big helper and cracked open his first egg to add to the bowl!!! He helped me read the ingredients on the back of the box! He counted the eggs to see how many eggs we needed! He said three but had 5 fingers held up! (We are still working on this!) We enjoyed putting the ingredients into the bowl and then turning on the mixer! They were yummy!!!!!

Another wonderful summer day!!!

What can be better than sleeping late, watching a movie, swimming, and enjoying time at Barnes and Noble? Nothing. Especially when you do that with your son! Today we took full advantage of bein glazy on a summer day! We slept late! The pool was ready around noon and we played teh I Spy game!!! You will never believe who showed up across the street- CRANKY THE CRAIN!!!!!! Oh yes, Thomas the tank engine must have sent him and we had to swim for a minute and then go and sit in the front yard to watch Cranky!!! When Ezekiel heard him he said, "What's that noise?" We went and looked and he said, "WOW!!! It's Cranky the Crain!!!!!!" He was so excited!! We decided in the early afternoon to go to Barnes and Nobles! Daddy picked him some books out while Ezekiel and I played with Thomas and his friends!! Ezekiel found a magazine he wanted to read! Yes, a Thomas magazine! He found some comfy chairs where other men were reading and he sat down and looked through his magazine!! This all followed by supper on the couch watching Walli!!!! You can put this day in the books as being one of the best lazy summer days we have had!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Daddy the Monster!!!!

Ezekiel loves playing chase and hide and seek! What is even better is when the games are combined and then you add Daddy as the monster!!! We enjoyed playing tonight in our hideout (a blanket covering the coffee table) to peak on the monster (daddy) and then attack with our weapons (plastic bats!!!) We played chase with the monster!! It did make us jump from time to time when the 'monster' would come our of hiding and scare us but we would attack him and he would go away!! We had so much fun!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Nana's picture of the beak!

Nana was not feeling well today and we drew her a picture to make her feel better! It was a picture of the beak (Beach!!!) I took it to Nana that afternoon and she said it made her feel so much better!!!

My Prayer!

Ezekiel was eating chicken nuggets for lunch today and we were talking! We have asked him to say the prayer before and he always will say no! Today he said the prayer! Although we needed someone to translate it was still precious!
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday morning after Vacation means being lazy!!!

Our eyes opened at 9:30 this morning! I guess we were tired from vacation!! We have played in the house all morning! Ezekiel said, "You be a playground!" I was not sure how to be that and then he told me what to do! I placed my legs straight on the edge of the couch and I was the sliding board! He slid down my legs several times!!! We then watch some tv and then Ezekiel came around the corner with his diaper off saying , "Stinky poo-poo!" I looked in the diaper and he had some poo poo in the diaper- He looked at me and said," Come on!" We went into the potty and flushed the stinky poopoo!! I then had to chase him so that I could wipe his bottom and make it clean! You never know what may happen!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Beach Trip To Ocean Lakes

We went to Ocean Lakes with the Hardee family for the week! We had a blast enjoying frienship, playing in the sun, and not paying close attention to the time! Best of all we made many memories!

Ezekiel had just rinsed off from coming in from the beach and was laughing because he was planning on scaring everyone in the house! He could not because he was laughing too much! This is one of my favorite pictures from the whole week!

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Ezekiel loved playing in the ocean and jumping the waves! One afternoon him and his daddy stayed out in the ocean for 45 minutes!! What a great daddy!

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On Tuesday Will and Ezekiel were in the mood to say, "Cheese!" They began posing! When it was all said and done I had taken 30 pictures! They even were picking their poses! This was so funny!

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Ezekiel is a pro at winning tickets! He loved putting his own token in and playing the game and winning tickets! In the week he won close to 30 tickets!

This was Ezekiel's first time playing Putt-Putt! He would hit the ball the first time- go chase it and then place it in the hole! His Daddy said he was, "Working smarter- not Harder!!!!!"

On Tuesday night we went to Broadway at the beach! Ezekiel rode his first rides and loved every minute of it!
What a great time we had as a family! Kegan and I truly enjoyed seeing the reaction on Ezekiel's face when we went to new places on the campground! On Tuesday night when we were at broadway riding the rides Ezekiel would just say," This is amazing!" His expression of joy and happiness made our hearts glad!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My little man!

We are heading to the beach next week and I am packing and trying to clean house and also putting together puzzles, racing with Thomas cars, making lunch... and I realized I would not want to be doing anything else! I find myself many times just sitting down to try to watch tv when I hear a sweet voice say, "Mama, come on! Let's play!" I sit down to the computer to check my e-mail and a hand comes and tugs on me to come and play! I begin to clean the house and I find my helper two steps behind me tugging on my to wrestle! I get overjoyed manytimes when I look into Ezekiel's brown eyes! He is so precious to me!
That Little Boy of Mine:
Two eyes that shine so bright,
Two lips that kiss goodnight.
Two arms that hold me tight.
That litle boy of mine.
No one could every know how much your coming has meant.
Because I love you so, you're something heaven sent.
You're all the world to me.
You climb upon my knee.
To me you'll always be,
That little boy of mine.
(By: Benny Meroff)

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Tonight we were outside watering the plants and Ezekiel climbed up on his ladder and fell off! He cut his knee and we thought we might need to have surgery:)! We came in and washed it off and placed liquid bandaid on it! He then had to sit near his Daddy and watch TV- WITH HIS LEG PROP UP ON A PILLOW!!! I am telling you it was major!!! I think we will make it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dear Ezekiel!

Dear Ezekiel,

When I found out you were coming I was not sure how to react! I wanted a child but it was not in my timeline! Oh but God knew best! The day you arrived I was overjoyed! You filled my heart with a song that I will sing forever- the love of a mom! I can't even begin to describe the moment I held you and they placed you in my arms!! Wow! There you were- in your beauty and you are so perfect to me!! Even after all of these years (3) you are still perfect! I look at you each day and you have that huge smile on your face that I just want to hold still and stare at forever!!!! You make me laugh how you aggravate Daddy to say that you are a princess because it makes him crazy that you are not saying you are a prince and you just laugh! You are so special to me and I love who you are!!! I will always be glad to be your mommy!
I love you,

Mimi, Movies, and Hayes!

We went and got Mimi and Hayes this morning to go to the movies and see Horton Hears a Who! We enjoyed the movies followed by a great lunch at McDonalds where Ezekiel ordered a Happy!!! (This is what he calls his chicken nuggets Happy meal!) Hayes came home with us and we played inside for a little while and went swimming outside!!! We had a great day!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!!!!

We spent our Fourth of July with our friends- THE HARDEES!!!!!!! What a friendship we have found over the last year when we moved into their neighborhood and also joined their Bible Fellowship class!! We went swimming at Trent's mom and dad's for the fourth! We cooked out a ymmu supper- or Trent cooked a yummy supper- and we swam!!! This was Ezekiel's 2nd time swimming this year in the big pool and he did such a great job!! He would jump off the sides into our arms and then we eventually were able to let him go by himself and he swam with his swimmies for the first time!!!!!! WAY TO GO E!!!! We were so proud of him!! He was so tired and fell asleep on the way home to the sound of fireworks in the sky!! Let Freedom Ring!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Aunt Vicki's house!!

Today we enjoyed spending the day with Aunt Vicki and Uncle Dub!! We went to lunch and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon watching Walli and eating supper! We climbed her stairs at least 100 times! It was fun to spend such great time with some of our favorite people!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

His ears are perfect!!!

We went last week for our 3 year old check up and Dr. Breavers wanted Ezekiel to go for a hearing test because he was not please with his pronouncing of his words! Oh man! I was upset! Of course the whole time we waited for our appointment I was thinking about how I would react if Ezekiel had a gotten bad news from his test and had to wear hearing aids to help him! My biggest fear was that he would be made fun of and who wants that for their child! We we went today and there are NO problems!! When we found out the results I immediately had tears running down my cheek!! I was so thankful that everything turned out great! Now that I know his ears are fine I think the problem is that he is just a FLYNN!!!! If you have ever been around a FLYNN man before you know that they are quiet and only speak or listen when THEY want to!! What was I thinking? There was no hearing problem just being N like FLYNN!!!!

How Cute!!!!

How Cute!!!!