Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let It SNOW!!!

When Ezekiel woke up this morning (8:45 - if I have done anything right it is to create a sleeper) we took him to the window and said ,"It snowed last night!" He said, "It's cold- oh the snow!!!"
He was not interested just yet in going outside. A few minutes later we began to put his clothes on- layer after layer after layer- that is one thing I learned from my mom! As I put his 3rd pair of pants on his said, "A lot of pants!" I explained to him that it was cold and we had to bundle up! Well Ezekiel and I had our layers on and we were waiting on Kegan so we were in the garage waiting! Kegan came out and opened the garage and Ezekiel saw the snow and said,"YOU FOUND ME!!!" I guess him and the snow had been playing hide and go seek! It was precious! We played a while in the snow, walked up the road to our friend's house and played with their boys! We had a blast!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Santity of Life

Yesterday was santity of life Sunday and of course it was also the Sunday that Ezekiel cried when I left him for Sunday School and took him to our class. But it made me smile when people were talking about life and my 'life' was sitting right next to me. I remember when I found out I was pregnant. Kegan and I took a test in our small bathroom in our trailor and he hit the floor b/c he was 'floored'. Are you kidding? This was not in our plans,yet. I called my mom and said ,"What am I going to do?" She said, "Carry the baby and have him." Abortion was not an option in my family and I knew that. After the shock wore off I began to fell the normal mom feelings. You see, from the moment of conception he was right there with me. At first , I did not know his gender- so he had several names- BUT GOD KNEW HIM. At first, I did not know if it was me imagining him kicking or his real kick, BUT GOD KNEW HIS MOVEMENTS. Before I had him I did not know his eye color or hair color, BUT GOD DID. I was just the vessel that carried Jesus' creation. I am so glad I chose life. You see, I would not have heard his first cry, his first bite of food, his first word, his first I love you! I chose life!!!!!!! Ezekiel to me is amazing. He is his own but he is God's. We had Ezekiel dedicated at our church where we use to attend and I can still remember the words from that service where people said that he was God's and I am the one responsible to teach him about Jesus. Wow!!!! God chose me to carry his creation and raise His creation! Santity of Life- YES SIR!!!!! I chose life and because of that decision I have an amazing 2 year old boy that loves his mama and smiles so big just because he can!!!!!! He was created in HIS image!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Perfect Moment!

I think all girls dream of the perfect marriage, wedding, babies, and etc. I was no different! Last night however topped all of those perfect moments I have already experienced. When you carry a child for 9 mths and then you take care of him your world revolves around them! You daily give of yourself to be the best mom so that they have the best life. As Ezekiel and I were laying down last night to go to sleep all of my hardwork was so worth it! We always lay down, say our prayers, and talk about what is going to happen the next day. We may count and say our ABC's and then I always tell him how much I love him and how special he is. If you know Ezekiel everything that is said is always a game. So, my 'I love yous" are many times drawn out,"IIIIII looooooove YOU! and we always laugh and giggle and sometimes I even tickle him and he has the biggest smile on his face! Last night I began to say, "I love you" and He said (FOR THE FIRST TIME) I love you, mama! Oh my, did I tear up or what! It was so the perfect moment! My sweet two year old told me he loved me! No money can buy that! You could not ever take that back! If I were to reflect on the last three years of raising him I would say that that was one of the perfect moments of being a mom! I love you too, Ezekiel!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let Me Hold You Longer

Even at two my little man loves for his mama to hold him and what a delight it is. Tonight before bed time we were ready our many books that Ezekiel has and as a teacher I thought- this is great he is learning about books and as a mom I held on to the moment of holding him as we enjoyed a good book. Each time we finished reading our books Ezekiel would say, "Good story!" It reminded me of a book we have that I read to Ezekiel sometimes and most of the time I cannot read it without a tear.
Let Me Hold You Longer
by Karen Kingsbury
Long ago you came to me
a miracle of firsts
First smiles and teeth and baby steps
a sunbeam on the burst.
But one day you will move away
and leave to me your past
And I will be left thinking of a lifetime of your last...
The last time that I held a bottle to yoru baby lips.
The last time that I lifted you and held you on my hip.
The last night when you woke up crying needing to be walked,
When last you crawled up with your blanket wanting to be rocked.
The last time when you ran to me still small enough to hold
The last thme that you said you'd marry me when you grew old.
Precious, simple moments and bright flashed from your past-
Would I have held on longer if I'd known they were your last?
Our last summer adventure to the partl
your final midday nap
The last time when you word your favorite faded baseball cap.
Your last few hours of kindergarten,
those last days of first grade
Your last at bat in Little League
last colored picture made
I never said good-bye to all your yesterdays long passed
So what about tomorrow
will I recognize your lasts?
The last time that you catch a frog
in that old backyard pond.
The last time that you run barefoot across our fresh-cut lawn.
Silly, scatterred images will represent your past
I keep on taking pictures never quite sure of your lasts...
The last time that I comb your hair or stop a pillow fight
The last time that I pray with you and tuck you in at night
The last time when we cuddle with a book, just me and you
The last time you jumo in our bed and sleep between us two
The last piano lesson
last vacation to the lake
Your last few weeks of middle school
last soccer goal you make
I look ahead and dream of days that haven's come to pass
But as I do, I sometimes miss today's sweet precious lasts...
The last time that I help you with a math or spelling test
The last time when I shout that yes your room is still a mess
The last time that you need me for a ride from here to there
The last time that you spend the night with your old tattered bear.
My life keeps moving faster, stealing precious day that pass
I want to hold on longer- want to recognize your lasts...
The last time that you need me help with details of a dance,
The last time that you ask me for advice about romance.
The last time that you talk to me about your hopes and dreams
The last time the you wear a jersey for your high school team
I've watch you grow and barely noticed seasons as they pass
If I could freeze the hands of time, I'd hold on to your lasts.
For come some bright fall morning
you'll be going far away
College life will beckon in a brillant sort of way
One last hug, one last good-bye, one quick and hurried kiss
One last time to understand just how much you will be missed
I'll watch you leave and think how fast our time together passed
Let me hold on longer, God to every precious last.
As each day goes by my son gets bigger and bigger. He is learning things so fast now in this world he lives in. How to open the door, how to put puzzles together. May I always hold on to his precious moments- As I am writing I am looking at my couch pillows that are thrown everywhere in the living room - by a sweet two year old that find it so amuzing! (I just hope that is not his last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

He's Looking at you Kid!!!

One of our Saturday things to do one our list is take the trash off. Most of the time Ezekiel and Kegan take it off by themselves but today Ezekiel wanted his mom to tag along- Smart boy! As we were getting ready to go we put on our jackets and Kegan put on his orange hat and Ezekiel had his own. Kegan called for Ezekiel to look at him and when he looked he noticed him and his dad had on their same hat. He then did his 'happy' dance. He was so thrilled to be like his dad. In this past week Ezekiel has mastered the art of eating with a fork. Sounds simple I know but for him the stab, turning it around to place in his mouth is such a task for his age and he takes it so very serioulsy- how did he learn- he watched us- When i saw his reaction today from him and his dad being the same I thought what a task we have as parents. He wants to be us. Even though we are teaching him that when it is cold outside we need coast and hats I hope are actions we live each day teach him greater. He knew today he needed his hat and he got it before we went outside. As he grows I hope that we he faces trials he will turn to Jesus because he has seen us rely on Jesus. When he has to decide what friends to hang out with, will he see his mom and dad and the christian friends they have chosen for their lives. He wants to be like us- Are we enough like Jesus that if he tries to be like us then he is like Jesus?????????

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Fun!

After a long week and a much needed Friday night rest I find myself placing things back in my closet, saying, "No, let's not play with playdoh. Let's find something else", and putting together the train track that some how always gets broken into pieces 5 seconds after I leave the room. I really wanted to sit on the couch tonight and find a great lifetime movie. Instead, I had to have a bad cold ever second with Ezekiel and say "Achoooooo" really loud. For a moment we all (even the two adults in the house) was sneezing and coughing. When we recovered from our sickness we then turned into monsters. Yes, we would run in and scream at Daddy and he would have to had a dramatic reaction. It was pretty fun the first time. It was funny the second time. It was funny the third time. The fourth time, not so much. When I was leaving school today I had my afternoon totally planned but Ezekiel did not have the same idea in mind. The wonders of a child's mind. How their imagination takes them places that are fun places even for me to go. I love the fact that his little mind doesn't bother with grading papers, clean toilets, and laundry. He just wants to enjoy every moment and live in that moment. I learned from my 2 year old tonight that the moments we have, even though they may be moment of sneezing or being monsters, are that moments- that are gone and we will never get a Friday January 9 back and I am glad that we spent out moment tonight with colds and being silly monsters. Achooooo!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Biggest Smile!

I can honestly say I did not want to go back to work from Christmas break! I mean waking up at 5:45 and leaving your house and being at school by 7:00- who wants to do that! Then I was reminded yesterday afternoon and this afternoon about how precious it is to go to work and return home hours later to your son and his huge smile that he greets me with each time I pull up to pick him up! I always blow the horn when I get there! and I can hear his small quick steps as they run to the door yelling, "Mama, Mama, Mama"! He then always wants a hug! For that moment through the eyes of a two year old his great present, although wrapped as his mom, was like a Christmas presents or the lottery! I am his world in the brief moment! I cherish every hug because I know that one day I will miss those reactions and those hugs! Does he worry that I need to lose some weight? Does it bother him that my make-up may not be perfect? Does he matter if I have a stain on my clothes? No, to him I am the best there is! AND THAT IS WORTH HEARING THE ALARM AT 5:45~

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thomas the train, candles, Saturday evening- the best combination

We were gearing up to go back to school this past weekend and I decided I need a much needed bubble bath! I began to run my water and was looking for bubble bath when all I could find was Thomas the train bubbles. Right then I should have just laughed and kept going but I stopped and only smiled and thought how precious it is that my life now revolves around buying Thomas the train bubble bath and not some other brand for 'adults'. I began to turn the lights off and light the candle and I heard giggling! Oh yes, it was Ezekiel and he had a plan. He came dashing in and blew out my candle, turned the lights on and then dashed out of sight! So, I sat there with berry scented bubbles, all lights and smoke from my candle. How could you not laugh! I mean I would not change a thing! Yes, it is tiring and sometimes frustrating but have you seen his sweet smile lately! Why, how precious! So the next time I am at the store I will be so happy to buy more Thomas bubble bath!!!!!!!!

How Cute!!!!

How Cute!!!!