Friday, July 23, 2010

Kid Sense

Today me and Zeke had a date! Kegan was at football camp and so we decided to spend the day with one another on a fun adventure. We went to Strawberry Hill for lunch (Zeke's request) and then spent the rest of the afternoon at Kid Sense in Ruthertfordton, NC. He loves this place! We have been there 3 times this summer and I think he could spend everyday there! It is a fun place! He favorite is the fire truck and Family Dollar! My job is to chase him around, watch him smile, and play with him! Now that is one hard job!!! I loved watching him smile! This time we went we rode the virtual roller coaster! He loved it! I thought he would be nervous- oh no! All Smiles!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Test to see if I can mobile blog

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Midnight Conversation

Zeke was hit by a cold Saturday afternoon that has snot flying everywhere and caused his little nose to look like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. We went to sleep at midnight and Zeke woke up at 3:00 am in the morning. He was so congested! We took some medicine and blew his nose. It was dark in the room and he whisphered, 'Mama, are you asleep?" I said, "No!" He said, "Sorry you had to wake up, I love you." I got tears in my eyes and thought how precious it was that he was so considerate to say sorry for me helping him in the middle of the night. What he did not know was that is my job and although it is at 3 in the morning, I was glad he needed his mama! Feel better Zeke! I love you!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Daily Reminders that my little man is growing up!

It has been a while since I have blogged last. Not sure why I have not sat down and wrote my thoughts (probably because not many read them!!!!) The last time I blogged was on Zeke's fourth birthday! So needless to say I have been busy keeping up with my four year old! Zeke sure is a rounder and is constantly growing up and changing! He is now old enough to sit and play a complete game of Candyland or other board games! He is into watching Toy Story and yes we did go and see the TOy Story 3 movie! We have accomplished some big goals this summer! 1) Pooping in the potty! Yes, at 4 we are officially potty trained! He has pp in the potty for a while but pooping was a challenge but now we are a pro! 2) Zeke is sleeping in his own bed! He lays down each night and we read a story, do a devo, pray and he always watched Heros of the Bible- Veggie Tales! and off to sleep town he goes! So proud of him for that! That is a huge accomplishment! I love the little guy he is growing into! He has such a tender heart! He tells me EVERYDAY, "MAMA, i love my family!" He told me the other day," We should have Mother's Day again for you!" Man, how can that not warm your heart! One morning he was watching Veggie Tales and he came up to me in the study and said, "Mama, home is where your heart is" Oh I just smiled and got a tear in my eye and gave my little man a hug! I love the little things about him. Hearing him pretend he is woody with his hat on belt on and talking to Buzz lightyear! (he doesn't know I am listening) or when he get the microphone and sings! or when he sits and tells me the story of the Three Little Pigs! We are still experiencing first moments! One first: writing his full name from memory! He can write his name now and does such a great job. we are having so many big boy moments though! Another first: He has his first spend the night with a friend the other night! He spend the night with his friend Will (who lives only 3 houses up but when he was walking up the road for another first it seems like miles away) I can sit and bore you with the details of my son but truth be told every minute I want to hold on to because I know it will fade fast. I read a quote the other day that said, Mothers hold their childs hand for sometime, but their heart forever. He will one day grow out of the "wanting to kiss your mama" stage, Toy Story, Thomas, or even wanting to sit on the couch with his mama but oh I will hold his heart forever! When he was placed in my arms on March 16, 2006 he slipped into my heart! Now my heart walks outside my body in a tan brown headed brown eyed boy who hung the moon in my eyes! Yes, he has his moments but overall it is an absolute pleasure for my little man to call me his mom! If only I could freeze time and hold him longer! I love you Zeke!

How Cute!!!!

How Cute!!!!